Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Iron Man 2

More of the same, but somehow lesser for the fact of it. Needed more things exploding and less Indiana Jones wank discoveries of new technologies. War Machine is cool though. Read the review here.


Blogger Stuart said...

It reminded me of Transformers 2, in that it followed the rules of the sequel (give them more of what they want) but it seemed to be unsure about what it is that audiences liked in the first one, so it just threw in more of everything.

Of the all sub-plots I thought the issue of the power-cell poisoning Tony is the most interesting as a way to explore themes of mortality, but then they resolved it via another subplot of "your daddy who you never really knew actually loved you and he's given you the solution to your problem". As a result neither potentially interesting themes were developed, so why have them in the first place?

Similarly both the Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff characters ended up being nothing more then plot devices, and left the whole potential of an individual vs ability of groups thing unexplored.

Oh and the whole improv dialog thing can work in an indie movie, or at least make a cute talking point in the promotional material, but please, edit the bulk of it out in the final cut. If I wanted to see a Jim Jarmusch movie I'll watch Coffee and Cigarettes again.

7:56 AM  

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