Tuesday, August 07, 2018

MIFF 2018 - Day 4

The Eyes of Orson Welles

A video essay, kinda like those things you find on YouTube. It's uneven, but it draws out Welles political activism and how that informed his films. It elevates your understanding of the man and his work, so ultimately my complaints fade away.


The best film yet. A woman suffering a dissociative fugue is found wandering the streets of Warsaw, and is claimed by her family. She's a different person though, and their shared past is slowly rewritten in both positive and dark ways. Go in knowing nothing else and leave in awe of the talent on display.

The Miseducation of Cameron Post

The appeal of this film was its claim to be a queer take on John Hughes oeuvre. And it's so good. Both a reminder of how much we've lost in the complexity of teen movies, and a brutal interrogation of the ineptitude and abuse inherent in the whole "pray the gay away" movement. It's an excellent film.


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