Monday, August 12, 2019

MIFF 2019 - Day 11

The Gasoline Thieves

Geez I hated this movie. An interesting idea filtered through every cliche trope imaginable. Add in an annoyingly passive main character you want to slap rather than root for, and the end result is a mess that wastes your time.

Children of the Sea

It's very pretty and well animated, but that's about it. A plotless and rambling tale of a girl who meets two boys who might be incarnated stars, or the sperm that gives birth to the universe. I dunno. Looks good, but that's about it.

We Are Little Zombies

A fun story about four kids who meet at the crematorium where their parents are all being cremated. They run away, form a chip tune band, and decide if life is worth living. It reminded me a lot of the work of Daigo Matsui. With a cool pixel art, jrpg aesthetic, it's very entertaining. Maybe runs a bit long, a few people lost patience and walked out after a fake out ending, but they missed one last good musical number. A weird good time.


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