Thursday, May 11, 2006

The People in My Head: Damien Beauforde

Damien Beauforde was twelve when his father, his real father, visited him at home. Unaware that he had been a foster child since the womb, he was disturbed to discover that his father was Satan. It is a difficult thing for a twelve-year-old to accept that you are the Antichrist, the son of Satan, destined to lead the world into fire and chaos. He took it well, all things considered.

The next few years were fun for Damien. With all the power of Hell at his command he could deal with bullies, bad grades and insufficient pocket money easily. The bodycount wasn't particularly high, but the number of emotional scars were sufficient to start several small wars. But when Damien turned sixteen he discovered teenage rebellion and began to question his life.

Subjects like philosophy and psychology gave him an understanding of the workings of good and evil, transference and parents living through their children. As he came to understand he was ultimately just an avatar for his unholy father's desire for universal spiritual and corporeal domination, he asked himself who he really was. Was he an individual capable of making his own claims on his life, pursuing his own interests? Or was he nothing more than a mechanistic automaton, destined from birth to cause the apocalypse?

Damien was bothered by these questions of determinism and free will. They obsessed him until he felt himself losing his mind. He decided that he had to assert his freedom somehow, to prove that he could act independently of his father's will. By virtue of his father's teaching, he was fully convinced of the existence of God. So he became a Christian.

Sometimes children like to spite their parents.


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