Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bruno the Scientist

Bruno was a scientist. Gariette was his beautiful assistant. Together in their basement laboratory they worked to create artificial life. Through countless failed experiments they persevered, trying new chemical combinations, combining and recombining DNA strands. Dozens of misfigured abortions of humanity were created and destroyed. Pain and suffering were the products of their quest to bypass nature. Then one day something went right and overnight Ralph came into the world. A fully formed man born without parents.

Bruno was sure that parents were the cause of all suffering and pain in the world. Possibly because his mother had been a midget dancer who moonlighted as an assassin for the KGB and as such was often absent from the home. His father knew nothing of her double life, so assumed she didn't love him and drank himself into stupors most every day. Bruno grew up with no parental involvement in his life, and having concluded that he was the sanest person he knew, he wanted to bring that joy to others. But since kidnapping babies wasn't legal, he hired Gariette to join him in a quest for the perfect human. Someone just like him.

Having made the perfect human, Bruno spent all his time tutoring Ralph in scientific methods and theories so that he could take over his work and further refine the process that brought him life. Gariette soon became jealous of the attention lavished on Ralph. She was the assistant. If Bruno didn't need assisting, what was she meant to do? It wasn't long before they were having loud fights all over the laboratory. Ralph just watched, puzzled by the loud noises that made no sense to him.

Walter, the nosy next door neighbour, would hear these fights and think that Gariette was being abused. He was a snoopy kind of a chap, with his telescope focused on any open window hoping for a glimpse of Gariette. When the fights began, he decided she needed rescuing. Arming himself with a crowbar he crossed over late in the night and forced open the door to their house. He stalked through the hallways until he found Gariette. He told her he knew all about Bruno and his violent ways, that he wanted to take her away from all that. Gariette said she was thankful, but first she needed to get something from the basement. She led Walter into the laboratory then shot him full of sedatives and put him into a large tank.

Bruno had never revealed all the secrets of new life to Gariette, but she had learned enough to know how to change life. She took Walter's body and transformed him into a woman. The next morning, Ralph discovered that a woman had been created for him. Bored by a life of seeking intellectual perfection, he ran away with the strange and confused woman named Wilhelmina. When Bruno woke up to discover Ralph gone he was inconsolable. At least until Gariette consoled him. Then everything was back to the way it was, and they began anew their quest for perfection.


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