Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Gordon the Frog

Gordon Gershwin was a frog. He was a sly one, hanging around lilypads waiting for princesses. Many a young royal with a head full of fairytales would come by his pond to chance her luck by kissing him. (The birthrate amongst royalty was generally low, and there were always less princes than princesses in the land.) Being an unenchanted frog he never became anything other than mildly smug. The women would walk away wiping their mouths and cursing their foul luck to pick a frog who wasn't a handsome prince cursed for his vanity or some such thing. (Not many paused to think that the curse might suit the crime, and that they'd be better off not bothering with a prince who had been so terrible as to be cursed in the first place.)

Sometimes they would come back and kiss him again, frogs generally being indistinguishable from one another. Still they would be disappointed, but Gordon would smile his secret froggy smile and just enjoy the attention. But one day a pretty French maiden came along and kissed Gordon. Her disappointment at not discovering her prince was shortlived as she discovered she didn't mind the taste. She cooked up Gordon and ate him for lunch. Such are the perils of toying with royal affections.


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